Friday, June 6, 2008

Taking a Break

I'm a bit burnt out on reading about political situations and interpretations at the moment. For the sake of my sanity I'm going to take a break from thinking about these things.

A few interesting things from the Dhammapada:


It's easy to see
the errors of others,
but hard to see
your own.
You winnow like chaff
the errors of others,
but conceal your own —
like a cheat, an unlucky throw.

If you focus on the errors of others,
constantly finding fault,
your effluents flourish.
You're far from their ending.


not on the rudenesses of others,
not on what they've done
or left undone,
but on what you
have & haven't done

So I'm going to do just that.


JD said...

It's always nice to take a break. It has been refreshing for me to stay away from the news cycle so far, but I still find that I have this desire to want to look for something to read that I need to watch over. Be well in your practice.

Lotus_in_the_hills said...

Take heart! Don't let current events burn you out. In circumstances beyond our control where the sasana is involved, I think we can still take interest in an unclinging, dispassionate, and sympathetic way, as Buddhists. And no matter what happens on the other side of the world, we will always have a personal duty to act according to the Dhamma here and now.

Anonymous said...

I have had a difficult time with being political and Buddhist at the same time also. So I also pulled away. But, as all things are interdependent I feel like I need to find a place to be balanced.

Finding your blog was a ray of light. I am a fan.

As a teacher once said, mixing politics in the Dharma isn't so good, but a little bit of Dharma in politics could be very helpful. Wait, now that I think about it, it was Dharma and music...either way I think it fits. =-)

Take care of yourself so you can take care of the world.

May all beings benefit.
